於 2018年7月17日 (二) 15:57 由 Yrwu (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (已建立頁面,內容為 "$Boundary orand $ThermalBoundary are the same commands. This command setup the thermal boundary of 3D thermal solver. The format is $ThermalBoundary N_s...")
$Boundary orand $ThermalBoundary are the same commands. This command setup the thermal boundary of 3D thermal solver. The format is
$ThermalBoundary N_surface_number Surface_No_1 Surface_type Surface_value Surface_No_1 Surface_type Surface_value Surface_No_1 Surface_type Surface_value Surface_No_1 Surface_type Surface_value ..... ..... repeat N_surface_number
Surface_No: The gmsh surface number to set as thermal boundary Surface_type: value: 1: fix temperature boundary 2: convention boundary condition Surface_value: The coefficient at the boundary. For type 1, it is the surface potential For type=2, it is the thermal convention coeffcient
For example
$ThermalBoundary 3 123 1 300.0 221 1 400.0 224 2 22.3
Related links
$Boundary , $ThermalBoundary