
於 2019年6月18日 (二) 01:13 由 DDCC-3D (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂

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$negfoverlapcalculation is the command to setup the region of surface roughness. You can also use this function and set the parameter with our GUI version at the input box of "Overlap Calculation" in GUI. The first term is to setup what kind of structure, 1 is circle, and 2 is rectangular for cross section region. If the first term is 1, then the four parameters after that are fix factor for surface roughness scattering, root mean square height\Deltaof surface roughness, diameter of the outer circle, and the diameter of the inner circle. If the first term is 2, then the four parameters after that are fix factor for surface roughness scattering, root mean square height\Deltaof surface roughness, width, and height.

cross section geometry # 1: circle, 2: rectangular
calibration   rms   diameter(with oxide)   diameter(without oxide)   [unit: cm] # for circle
calibration   rms   width   height    [unit: cm]  # for rectangular
load-overlap-start   load-overlap-end


1.0e-3 1.0e-7 20.0e-7 16.0e-7
387 396

The last two parameters is what region of overlap. For example in this case we have 681 mesh grids from drain(left) to source(right), and the position of channel is from 300 to 400, then 387 to 396 is in the channel near the source what region of overlap we choose.
related commands:

 $ifsolvenegf,  $negfifscattering,  $negfsurfaceroughness