"*.rcwagamma.dat" 修訂間的差異

前往: 導覽搜尋
行 3: 行 3:
Lamda_1 Lamda_2 Lamda_3 ...... Lamda_n
Lamda_1 Lamda_2 Lamda_3 ...... Lamda_n
layer1    E_11    E_12    E_13    ......      E_1n
layer1   gamma_11   gamma_12   gamma_13   ......      gamma_1n
layer2    E_21    E_22    E_23    ......      E_2n
layer2   gamma_21   gamma_22   gamma_23   ......      gamma_2n
行 15: 行 15:
*<math>layer</math> : Position <math>(nm)</math> 
*<math>layer</math> : Position <math>(nm)</math> 
*<math>E_(n)</math> : The electric field from different lamdas and layers (n is the same of $lamdalength) <math>(Vm^{-1})</math> 
*<math>gamma_(n)</math> : The electric field from different lamdas and layers (n is the same of $lamdalength) <math>(Vm^{-1})</math> 

於 2018年9月26日 (三) 11:30 的修訂

utput file about the gamma from the different layers and lamdas.


            Lamda_1     Lamda_2      Lamda_3      ......           Lamda_n
layer1   gamma_11   gamma_12   gamma_13   ......        gamma_1n
layer2   gamma_21   gamma_22   gamma_23    ......        gamma_2n
... until the total layer number $totallayer2

Parameter Explanation

  • layer : Position (nm) 
  • gamma_(n) : The electric field from different lamdas and layers (n is the same of $lamdalength) (Vm^{-1})