- .photon.out is for the output of each photon's information at the final stop point.
The format is
ith_photon, #_element_passedby, photon_start_at_#th_element , photon_end_at_#th_element, TE/TM , Num_of_re_enter_objects , x_ini, y_ini, x_final,y_final, vx, vy ,emit_angle, if_photon_stop_at_surface
ith_photon : ith photon #_element_passedby : The number of elements this photon pass through photon_start_at_#th_element : The jth element where the photon started at. photon_end_at_#th_element : The kth element where the photon ended at. TE/TM : TE or TM mode. TE is 1, TM is 2 Num_of_re_enter_objects : The number o photon re-enter the objects x_ini : initial position x y_ini : initial position y x_final : final position x y_final : final position y vx : final position's vector vx vy : final position's vector vy emit_angle : final emitting angle if_photon_stop_at_surface : if the photon stop at the surface or inside the objects. If it is inside the object, it might be either absorbed or ended with the maximum element number allowed to pass through