"$Withionmove" 修訂間的差異

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When the system has ion to perform as drift-diffusion equations, we solve the time dependent drift-diffusion for slow ion move simulation. Since the ion moves may not be governed fermi-level concept. We simply treat is a tradiational drift-diffusion equations.
When the system has ion to perform as drift-diffusion equations, we solve the time dependent drift-diffusion for slow ion move simulation. Since the ion moves may not be governed fermi-level concept. We simply treat is a tradiational drift-diffusion equations.
<math> \frac{\partial M_{ion}}{\partial t} = \nabla \left( (q_{sign}) e\mu M_{ion} \vec{E} - q D_{M} \nabla M_{ion} \right)</math>
<math> \frac{\partial M_{ion}}{\partial t} = \nabla \left( (q_{sign}) e\mu M_{ion} \vec{E} - q D_{M} \nabla M_{ion} \right) + G*n(r) - R*M_{ion} </math>
Ideally, the ion density is given by initial setting. The total ion number should be fixed. The program is aim to model multi-ions drift-diffusion. The command is as following.
Ideally, the ion density is given by initial setting. The total ion number should be fixed. The program is aim to model multi-ions drift-diffusion. The command is as following.

於 2023年10月3日 (二) 16:41 的修訂

When the system has ion to perform as drift-diffusion equations, we solve the time dependent drift-diffusion for slow ion move simulation. Since the ion moves may not be governed fermi-level concept. We simply treat is a tradiational drift-diffusion equations.

 \frac{\partial M_{ion}}{\partial t} = \nabla \left( (q_{sign}) e\mu M_{ion} \vec{E} - q D_{M} \nabla M_{ion} \right) + G*n(r) -  R*M_{ion} 

Ideally, the ion density is given by initial setting. The total ion number should be fixed. The program is aim to model multi-ions drift-diffusion. The command is as following.

 N_{sweep}   N_{output}
Sweep_type_1  T_{1,stop}  dt_{1} P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ...
Sweep_type_1  T_{2,stop}  dt_{2} P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 .. 
Sweep_type_N_{sweep  T_{N_{sweep},stop}  dT_{M_{sweep}}  P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ..
 N_{ions} ~~ q_{sign,1} ~~ q_{sign,2} ~~ q_{sign,3}  ....~~ q_{sign,N_{ions}} 
 P_{type,1} ~~ M_{ions,1}~~ \mu  p3 p4 Parameters of the 1 layer
 P_{type,2} ~~ M_{ions,2}~~  \mu  p3 p4 Parameters of the 2 layer
 P_{type,3} ~~ M_{ions,3}~~  \mu  p3 p4 Parameters of the 3 layer
 P_{type,N} ~~ M_{ions,N} \mu  p3 p4 Parameters of the $totalregion layer
 N_{sweep} : The number of runs for the time step
 N_{output}: The number of output results for each run
1: constant voltage, P1 to P5 is not used
2: Sweep Vg during this time period P1=Vgstart, P2=Vgend, P3=swdt of each step  (step Number=  T_{1,stop}/swdt
3: Sweep Vd during this time period P1=Vdstart, P2=Vdend, P3=swdt of each step 
4,5,6.... leave for future use
T_{1,stop} : The time for the first run. T_{2,stop}The time for the 2nd run. 
dt_{1} is the \delta t for each sweep. 
 N_{ions}  How many ions are considered. If we only want to consider 1 negative ion,we can put 1
 q_{sign}  The sign of ions. only accept  \pm 1.0 

For example: Consider 2 ions, 1st is negative charges, 2nd is positive charges, total 5 Regions we can

3 1000
1 1.00  1.0d-4 
3 1.00  1.0d-4 0.0 1.0 0.02  
1 1.00  1.0d-4
2 -1.0 1.0
1 0.0e17 0.0      0.0e17 0.0   
1 1.0e17 1.0e-11  2.0e17 1.0e-12
1 1.0e17 1.0e-11  2.0e17 1.0e-12
1 1.0e17 1.0e-11  2.0e17 1.0e-12
1 1.0e17 1.0e-11  2.0e17 1.0e-12
P_{type,1} is the parameter type:  it depends on ion number  N_{ions}
1:  M_{ions,1} ~~~\mu ,  M_{ions,2} ~~~\mu ,........  M_{ions,N_{ions}}, ~~~\mu_{N_{ions}}
2:  M_{ions,1} ~~~\mu ~ D_{M},  M_{ions,2} ~~~\mu~~D_{M} ,........  M_{ions,N_{ions}}, ~~~\mu_{N_{ions}}~~ D_{M}
3:  M_{ions,1} ~~~\mu ~ ~~ R ~~G ,  M_{ions,2} ~~~\mu ~~ R_{2} ~~G_{2}  ,........  M_{ions,N_{ions}}, ~~~\mu_{N_{ions}}~~  ~~ R_{N} ~~G_{N}
4:  M_{ions,1} ~~~\mu ~ D_{M} ~~ R ~~G ,  M_{ions,2} ~~~\mu~~D_{M} ~~ R_{2} ~~G_{2}  ,........  M_{ions,N_{ions}}, ~~~\mu_{N_{ions}}~~ D_{M}  ~~ R_{N} ~~G_{N}
5:  M_{ions,1} ~~~\mu ~ ~~ R ~~G ,  M_{ions,2} ~~~\mu ~~ R_{2} ~~G_{2}  ,........  M_{ions,N_{ions}}, ~~~\mu_{N_{ions}}~~  ~~ R_{N} ~~G_{N}
 P_{type,1} = 1 
 When type 1 is chosen, we only put mobility  \mu , and the diffusion coefficient  D_{M}  is calculated with Einstein relation, where 
  D_{M} = \mu k_{B} T / q
  P_{type} = 2 
  When type 2 is chosen, the diffusion coefficient is given by input

  P_{type} = 3 
  For type==3, the ion mobility, quench term for R, Generation term for G is provided. 
   D_{M} = \mu k_{B} T / q

  P_{type} = 4 
  For type==4, the ion mobility, diffusion coefficients, quench term for R, Generation term for G is provided. 
  P_{type} = 5 
  For type==5, the ion mobility,  quench term for R, Generation term for G is provided. 
   D_{M} = \mu k_{B} T / q
  The initial ion density is provided by traps in the steady state calculation. 

See related commands

Related commands: $Withionmove $IonMovewithPoisson *.time_ion