"$Light intensity region TBLR" 修訂間的差異

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(已建立頁面,內容為 "is a special function to define the side wall of 4 regions to collect the light output $Light_intensity_region_TBLR X_Left X_middle X_right Y_top Y_middle Y_bott...")
(未顯示同一使用者於中間所作的 2 次修訂)
行 2: 行 2:
X_Left X_middle X_right Y_top Y_middle Y_bottom
Y_top Y_middle Y_bottom X_Left X_middle X_right
When the light leaves the simulation objects, we put a square box larger than the simulation objects to collect the light output. The program will record the position photon hitting the sidewall.
When the light leaves the simulation objects, we put a square box larger than the simulation objects to collect the light output. The program will record the position photon hitting the sidewall. This ranges is decided by X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom. The X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom should be larger than the simulation object. Unit is (cm). X_middle and Y_middle is definition the separation point where the photon is belong to.

於 2018年1月29日 (一) 14:45 的最新修訂

is a special function to define the side wall of 4 regions to collect the light output

Y_top Y_middle Y_bottom X_Left  X_middle X_right 

When the light leaves the simulation objects, we put a square box larger than the simulation objects to collect the light output. The program will record the position photon hitting the sidewall. This ranges is decided by X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom. The X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom should be larger than the simulation object. Unit is (cm). X_middle and Y_middle is definition the separation point where the photon is belong to.