Function gaussian-distribution traps.
Note that currently Gaussian-distribution traps only consider how carrier traps. The recombination with opposite carriers are not well considered. So it is only suitable for condition where the lifetime is very long.
$gaussiantraps 1 type Nt Et σ degeneracy![]()
Parameter Explanation
- type : type = 1 is electron trap and type = 2 is hole trap. Type 201 is the hole trap relatives to Ev. The program will will convert 201 to 2 by adding Eg to the set Et. type 11 is the filled able electron traps and type 21 are the filled able hole traps. type 211 is Et relative to Ev.
- Nt : total trap concerntraion. The positive and negative value is decided by type. There is no need to put (+ or -) here. For example 1.0e16
- Et : the depth of traps central.
. The position of Et is decided by related position to Ec. For example, if trap is 1.1eV below conduction band, -1.1eV is used. Hole trap is using the same definition as electron trap, which is related to Ec also.
- σ : the FWHM of trap.
- degeneracy the degeneracy of traps we usually set as 1.
: nonradiative lifetime of electrons.
: nonradiative lifetime of holes.
Note that usually . Therefore, when Nt is increased, the non-radiative lifetime should decrease as well. Users need to adjust this by themselves.
$gaussiantraps 1 1 9e16 -3.3 0.12 1 1e-8 1e-8 1 9e16 -3.3 0.12 1 1e-8 1e-8 2 1e18 -3.3 0.12 1 1e-8 1e-8 2 1e18 -3.3 0.12 1 1e-8 1e-8
Related commands: $traps (2D) , $multitraps