
於 2023年10月11日 (三) 15:18 由 Yrwu (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂

前往: 導覽搜尋

Since DDCC solver is solved by input bias, therefore it is hard to obtain the exactly desired current density. $useconstId is a command for the program to get a certain Id value by tuning the bias itself to reach the required gate current. However, it is very time consuming.

Id_value V_trial_min V_trial_max Vd_step_min Precision

The Ig_value is the current density of gate ( or Base). The unit is A/cm since it is 2D simulation.  The Id is define as (Jpd-Jnd). Be careful about the sign.
The simulation program need to set Vd = constant and Vd (VC) in a range. Vs (VE) can be treated as emitter. 
The program will try in a Vd bias ranging from    Vd+V_{trial,min}<Vg< Vg+V_{trial,max}  in a minimum Vd interval Vd_step_min.
Once the current error is within   Precision
For example 
0.9   0.9   0.01   
0.5   5.0   0.5   
1.0e-3 -0.2 0.2 1.0e-4 1.0e-3