$RandomizedR is a special command to setup the random alloy structures. The format is
$RandomizedR Region_Number_used Random_type location_N_used seeding_num location_1 location_2 ...... location_N Region_1 method P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 .... Region_2 method P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 .... ... Region_N method P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ....
Method=0 fully random number Method=1 P1=dx(um), P2=average_com, P3=sigma, P4=indium_low P5=delta- In% Method=2 P1=dx(um), P2=average_com, P3=sigma, P4=indium_low P5=delta- In%
The difference between 1 and 2 are that Method-2 will not replace the trap-related coefficients, nonradiative lifetime, doping, impurity, and generation of the original region. The idea is to generate virtual regions. The region number is "location_N_used" The second line defines the ID of virtual regions (location_N_used). For example location_N_used=10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 means these regions are virtual region P1 is the lattice size. typically 2.83e-4 um. P2=average_com of this QW . For example 0.15 is 15% average indium composition P3=sigma -> broaden factor of averaging local indium composition. Typically 2-4 lattice size P4=indium_low define indium composition of virtual region 1. P5=delta-In% defines the composition difference of each virtual region. It should be linear. Note that no matter which method is used, the mobility, B, and C will use the original region setting.
$RandomizedR 6 1 20 -10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .... 32 3 0 (QW location) 5 0 7 0 9 0 11 1 2e-4 15 6.8e-4 0.01 0.02 13 2 2e-4 15 6.8e-4 0.01 0.02 # use the original lifetime, doping, , impurity, traps, and generation of the original region.