Function solargeneration(x1,x2,eg)
於 2017年8月29日 (二) 10:46 由 Yrwu (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (已建立頁面,內容為 "Function solargeneration(x1,x2,eg) is a command to generate the electron-hole generation. The program will give the program to x1 and x2 section as well as the bandg...")
Function solargeneration(x1,x2,eg) is a command to generate the electron-hole generation. The program will give the program
to x1 and x2 section as well as the bandgap Eg. Then the user needs to return the generation value.
For example:
function solargeneration(x1,x2,eg) use global implicit none real*8 ,external :: alpha ! call external function to obtained absorption coefficient alpha real*8 :: x1,x2,eg ! x_min, x_max, bandgap real*8 :: solargeneration ! returned value real*8 :: i1,i2,i3 real*8 :: a,b,e integer k,l,m,i,j,stat stat=0 solargeneration=0.0d0 if(x1 < 0 .or. x2 <0) then Print*, "Error, the location of x1 and x2 coordinate in calling solargeneration is smaller than 0" print*, "Set the generation rate to be zero" solargeneration=0.0d0 return end if do i=1,solarfilesize e=1240.0d0/photonnum(i,1) ! get the wave number from length to eV if(e>eg) then i1=photonnum(i,5)*exp(-alpha(e,eg)*abs(x2-x1)) !i2=photonnum(i,5)*exp(-alpha(e,eg)*x2) i3=photonnum(i,5)-i1 photonnum(i,5)=i1 if(i3>0.0) solargeneration=solargeneration+i3 end if end do solargeneration=solargeneration*1.0d-4/abs(x2-x1) !print*, x1,x2,solargeneration return end