$Light intensity region TBLR

於 2017年12月26日 (二) 13:10 由 Yrwu (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂

前往: 導覽搜尋

is a special function to define the side wall of 4 regions to collect the light output

X_Left  X_middle X_right Y_top Y_middle Y_bottom

When the light leaves the simulation objects, we put a square box larger than the simulation objects to collect the light output. The program will record the position photon hitting the sidewall. This ranges is decided by X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom. The X_Left X_right Y_top Y_bottom should be larger than the simulation object. Unit is (cm). X_middle and Y_middle is definition the separation point where the photon is belong to.