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$RCWAlamda2 required setting tag the lamdas you want to know. This number needs to be set in the beginning of input file. It relates to $RCWAlamdalength.


410 411 412

The $RCWAlamda2 setting for 1D-DDCC in GUI interface

3.If not pressed, $RCWAlamda2 will be determined by step 4.
If pressed, $RCWAlamda2 will equal the value you set. Refer to steps 8 and 9 for more details.
1d $RCWAlamda2 fig1.jpg
5.Here, you can modify the wavelength.
6.Remember press here to renew epitaxial layer's refractive index.As shown in the number 7.
1d $RCWAlamda2 fig2.jpg
1d $RCWAlamda2 fig3.jpg
1d $RCWAlamda2 fig4.jpg

The $RCWAlamda2 setting for 2D-DDCC in GUI interface
1. In the process of $RCWAlamdalength setting, I set three wavelength : 410, 411, 412 (nm).
2. So we can view the wavelength in Project_xxx*.inp file!
2D RCWAlamda2 fig1.jpg
