$RCWAtotallayer required setting tag the layer number of the device. This layer number needs to be set in the beginning of input file. It is different from $totallayer.
In addition, layer1, layer_{RCWAtotallayer}, layer_{RCWAtotallayer-1}, and layer_{RCWAtotallayer-2} should be homogeneous.
The $RCWAtotallayer setting for 1D-DDCC in GUI interface
The $RCWAtotallayer setting for 2D-DDCC in GUI interface
Note. The total layer number shown in 2D-DDCC is the actual number +2. Here, I set a different material for the topmost layer (5) compared to the bottom layers (1~4) to improve clarity. For unknown reasons, the topmost layer is divided into three sublayers with a thickness ratio of 2:1:1. Thankfully, the parameters in these sublayers are identical, so they can be treated as a single layer.