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Trap_decay_type  , TraploopN, rangeN 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep dt Parameter_coe 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep dt Parameter_coe 
...  TraploopN 
Region_id1  coefficient_1 coefficient_2  ... (depending on Trap_decay_type
Region_id2  coefficient_1 coefficient_2  ... (depending on Trap_decay_type)
...  rangeN

rangeN: How many regions in the simulation domain that we need to consider memory effect
TraploopN: How many sweeping we would like to perform
V_bias_type: 4: drain bias 21: gate bias
Trap_decay_type: The model we want to apply in the simulation. It decides how the traped charges change with time

For Trap_decay_type=1, the trapped charge in first sweep will be totally saved in the simulation for the next sweeps. The trapped charge will not decay.

Trap_decay_type  , TraploopN, rangeN 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep 
...  TraploopN 
...  rangeN

For Traptype=12 each region has the same decay_lifetime(s). The trapped charge will decay as time going. If no more trapped coming in, the saved trapped charge will go to zero as time going

Traptype  , TraploopN, rangeN 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep , dt(s) , decay_coefficient(s)
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep , dt(s) , decay_coefficient(s)
...  TraploopN 
...  rangeN

For Traptype=13, each region has different decay_lifetime_coefficient(1...rangeN)

Traptype  , TraploopN, rangeN 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep , dt(s) 
V_bias_type Vstart  Vend Vstep , dt(s)
...  TraploopN 
Region_id1  decay_coefficient1(s)
Region_id2  decay_coefficient2(s)
...  rangeN