For some output summary file, we would like to take summary of IQE in certain region, hence we will need to setup the output range of IQE, Auger, SRH, and Generation
$outputrangesetting Type_of_Method N_num_tobesummed R1 R2 R3 R4 ....
Type_of_Method = 1: only IQE calculated with selected regions Type_of_Method = 2: IQE, Auger, SRH calculated with selected regions Type_of_Method = 3: only Auger calculated with selected regions Type_of_Method = 4: only SRH calculated with selected regions
For example, if we want to output region 4 5 6 7 9
$outputrangesetting 1 5 4 5 6 7 9
The $outputrangesetting setting in GUI interface is here
1. Press output range setting.
2. Check the box, select the type of method, and choose the regions as needed!