If the user needs to use field dependent mobility profile, he has several way to achieve this. The first way is to call $usefieldmufunc , $useemufunc, $useemunfunc, $useemupfunc. However, for this one, you will need to write the code by yourself. The other way is to give the program a E versus velocity table files. And you need to setup the region $xend and $yend to decide which region to use this profile.
Note that his function current is only support Ex field for electron transport in x direction since this function is for FET transistor case. It does not support for holes, neither. When this function is called, other regions or unsupported direction such as Ey or holes will use the constant mobility model.
$useevprofile E-versus-v_filenameformat_type
Format_type: 1: 2: 3: Two different segments,separaet this two segments
: which column where the second segments starts
: total column number
File format of E-versus-v_filename:
.... .... .... to
.... ....
For examples:
$useevprofile mcalgan32-GaN-InGaN.inp.vfoc.res 174 3 131
$xend 89.9999e-04 116.000001e-4
$yend 4.2001e-04 4.000e-04
And the format of mcalgan32-GaN-InGaN.inp.vfoc.res would be
5.00E+02 5.15E+05 1 1.50E+03 1.66E+06 2 2.50E+03 2.76E+06 3 3.50E+03 3.80E+06 4 4.50E+03 4.74E+06 5 5.50E+03 5.57E+06 6 6.50E+03 6.58E+06 7 ... ... ... 128500.00000 2.52E+07 130 129500.00000 2.53E+07 131 130500.00000 2.51E+07 131 150500.00000 2.46E+07 132 170500.00000 2.24E+07 133 ... ... ... 9.71E+05 8.42E+06 173 9.91E+05 8.36E+06 174
The $useevprofile setting in GUI interface is here
1. Please prepare a Electric Field versus Velocity table file, then press Transistor.
2. Check the box for Use field dependent mobility model, and choose 2 uniform E-field section in the File type filed below.
3. Press Load table from files, choose the table file, and the data will appear in the fields and the Velocity vs. Field diagram below.
4. Remember to fill these fields as needed!