Subroutine compositionmapgen
Subroutine compositionmapgen is a subroutine used to called after the program read-in the gmsh file. This routine is designed for user to generate composition map for the random alloy fluctuation. However, it is not limited on this. This one usually goes with subsroutine readEg. And this subroutine is activated by the command $gencompositionmap. The example is as follows
Subroutine compositionmapgen use meshelement use global3d use compositionvar implicit none real(dp) :: x,y,z,qw_begin,qw_end integer(i8b) :: nodetype ,i ,j, k
open(155,FILE="In.out") write(155,"(a11)")"$MeshFormat" write(155,"(a5)")"2 0 8" write(155,"(a9)")"$NodeData" write(155,"(a1)")"1" write(155,"(a8)")"Al_check" write(155,"(a1)")"1" write(155,"(a3)")"1.0" write(155,"(a1)")"3" write(155,"(a1)")"0" write(155,"(a1)")"1" write(155,*) mshnd%n
do i=1,mshnd%n ! Eg_check.out nodetype = mshnd%element(i) ! Get the node number x=mshnd%x(i) y=mshnd%y(i) z=mshnd%z(i) Incom_inter =0.0 if(z>=qw_begin .and. z<= qw_end) then Incom_inter=randm() end if write(155,*) i ,Incom_inter end do write(155,*) "$EndNodeData" close(155)
end subroutine