The number of regions that is in the triangular shape.
$triregionnumber 2
This means that there are two triangular regions. This command must be set after the command
$ranges. The "triregionnumber" must be smaller than the "range number".
This command needs to be set before the command before the commands $triregiontype, $triranges,
For example:
$triregionnumber 2
$triregiontype @type @periodnumber @period_spacing @type @periodnumber @period_spacing
$triranges @x1 @y1 @x2 @y2 @x3 @y3 @x1 @y1 @x2 @y2 @x3 @y3
x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3 are 3 vertex points of triangular For the @type, it is the same definition as type in $emptyperiodshape, see below For @periodnumber, it is repeating how many times For the @period_spacing, it is defining the spacing of each repeating objects.
Example of @type
Type.1~4 are triangle, circle, ellipse and rectangle.
If the parameters are not show in the figure, you should set those parameters as 0.
Type5~8 are sine shape period structure.
Type.5 and 6 can be determined by this expression:
Type.7 and 8 can be determined by this expression: