$pattern tri period

前往: 導覽搜尋

The pattern tri period is the same definition in pattern type as the

pattern_type int_period_num f_period_spacing f_{1}  f_{2}  f_{3}  f_{4}  f_{5}  f_{6}  n_{r} \alpha if_empty

Parameter Explanation

  • pattern_tri_num : number of empty section.
  • type : type1=triangle, type2=circle, type3=ellipse, type4=rectangular, type5=Sinkx function up, type6=Sinkx function down, type7=Sinkx function up, type8=Sinkx function down.
  • f1-f6 : you can refer to the information where at bottom of this page. (unit is cm!)
  • int_period_num :
  • f_period_spacing : (unit is cm!)
  • if_empty : integer 1 means it is air, others means material
1 : triangular , period along x if the periodnumber >1 
11 : triangular , period along y if the periodnumber >1 
2 : circular shape, period along x if the periodnumber >1 
21 :   circular shape, period along y if the periodnumber >1 
3 : elliptic shape, period along x if the periodnumber >1 
31 :   elliptic shape, period along y if the periodnumber >1 
4 : rectangular shape, period along x if the periodnumber >1 
41 :   rectangular shape, period along y if the periodnumber >1 
5:  sin kx function up, the shape is defined by x_left, x_right, y>sinkx and y<y2
6:  sin kx function down, the shape is defined by x_left, x_right, y<sinkx and y>y2
7:  sin ky function up (be careful to use it), the shape is defined by y_top, y_bottom, x<sinky and x>x2
8:  sin ky  function right (be careful to use it), the shape is defined by y_top, y_bottom, x<sinky and x>x2


Type.1~4 are triangle, circle, ellipse and rectangle.

If the parameters are not show in the figure, you should set those parameters as 0.


Type5~8 are sine shape period structure.

Type.5 and 6 can be determined by this expression:



Type.7 and 8 can be determined by this expression:




The $pattern tri period setting in GUI interface is here
1. Choose Set up Local Region, and press Add new regions for ray tracing.
2. Fill in the required fields as needed! (the process is similar to $triregiontype)
2D pattern tri period fig1.jpg

3. Remember to press Save and run ray tracing!
2D pattern tri period fig2.jpg
