張慶瑞教授與吳育任教授團隊參與國際合作之柔性電子學研究榮登《Nature Communications》期刊 (NTU scientists develop giant gauge device of flexible electronics)
台灣大學應用物理研究所與電子工程學研究所張慶瑞教授及其博士生傅薈如教授(現任教於元智大學),電機系暨光電所吳育任教授及其博士生蔡宗印以及高雄科技大學電子工程系洪冠明教授共同參與國際團隊合作,發展了一種利用凡得瓦層狀材料提高應變感測器應變靈敏度因數的方法,相對於金屬材料至少提高了500倍以上的靈敏度。通過利用壓電效應和光電效應的交互作用,除了應變靈敏係數提高外,也同時提高應變靈敏度因數的可調節範圍,並且具體展示了其在人體日常運動捕捉微小振動感知方面的應用,在柔性電子學的原理與應用上有重要貢獻。該創新成果『凡得瓦層狀材料之巨大應變靈敏係數感應器』研究,於四月一日發表在《自然》子刊Nature Communications上。

NTU scientists develop giant gauge device of flexible electronics
Professor Chang Ching-Ray from the Institute of Applied Physics and the Institute of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University and his doctoral student Professor Fuh Huei-Ru (currently teaching at Yuanzhi University), Professor Wu Yuh-Renn from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Optoelectronics and his Ph.D student Tsai Tsung-Yin, and the Department of Electronic Engineering, Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Professor Hung Kuan-Ming participated in international team. Recently they developed a method to improve the Gauge factor of strain sensors by using Van der Waals layered materials, which increased the sensitivity by at least 500 times compared with metal materials. By using the mutual interaction of the piezoelectric effect and the photoelectric effect, in addition to the improvement of the Gauge factor, the adjustable range of the Gauge factor is also improved, and it specifically demonstrates its application in the daily activities of the human body to capture small vibration perception. There are important contributions to the principles and applications of learning. The innovative result “Giant Gauge factor of Van der Waals material based strain sensors” was published in Nature Communications on April 1st.
In recent years, software robots, remote monitoring, artificial intelligence, and wearable medical instruments have developed rapidly, and there are higher requirements for the flexibility, sensitivity, and low power consumption of the corresponding sensor. Currently, commercial strain sensors are mainly based on metal materials. However, metal has no energy gap, so the gauge factor of a metal strain sensor is generally limited to a small range of 1-5. Although the energy gap strain of traditional semiconductors is adjustable, traditional semiconductor materials are usually very brittle, which also limits the strain detection range of wearable devices. Compared with metal materials and traditional semiconductor materials, Van der Waals layered semiconductor materials have excellent flexibility, optoelectronic properties and piezoelectric properties, and have huge application prospects in energy storage, optoelectronics, sensing, and wearable devices. Based on this, this cross-international and cross-field team proposed a flexible strain sensor based on Van der Waals layered semiconductor materials. Through the mutual interaction of the piezoelectric effect and the photoelectric effect to adjust the concentration and mobility of carriers, it is the first time that the gauge factor can be continuously adjusted in the range of 23-3933. In addition, as shown in the figure below, the Van der Waals flexible sensor can detect tiny vibrations caused by sound and monitor daily human activities, fully demonstrating its potential applications in robotics, remote monitoring, artificial intelligence, and wearable medical care. prospect.
Wenjie Yan, Huei-Ru Fuh, Yanhui Lv, Ke-Qiu Chen, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Yuh-Renn Wu, Tung-Ho Shieh, Kuan-Ming Hung*, Juncheng Li, Duan Zhang, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Sunil K. Arora, Zhi Wang, Zhaotan Jiang, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*,“Giant Gauge factor of Van der Waals material based strain sensors”,Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 2018 (2021).