2020 LAB425 冬季實驗室保齡球賽餐聚
同學們不想再羽球被蹂躪 改比保齡球 結果...
Optoelectronic Device Simulation Laboratory
同學們不想再羽球被蹂躪 改比保齡球 結果...
今年OPTIC 在北科大舉行,算是實驗室最省錢的一次會議 🙂...
We collaborate with ITRI to de...
Six synchronized high-speed cameras were installed in the baseball stadium in NTUS. We established the calibration equation of the multi-camera system and established an electronic strike zone system, KarmaZone, that can automatically coordinates when the pitch crossed the home plate. From the slow motion videos recorded, the markerless 3D human posture estimation has been developed with the deep learning model. The estimated positions for each joint correlate well with ones after applying Particle Swarm Optimization.
這次比賽 由新生白修齊隊伍奪冠 不愧是羽球校隊 Post V...
Post Views: 2,417
Tsung-Yin Tsai, Krystian Micha...
冠軍 林雉皓吳育任 亞軍 陳品方 沈萑莛 季軍 江天靖 許...
2019 Optic Post Views: 1,810