KarmaZone and 3D 無標記肢體辨識系統: 獲得科技部未來科技獎 相關報導如下
台大臺體團隊成功研發結合了3D動作分析與結果及電子好球帶的系統,是全球首套結合成因與結果的系統,以6支高速攝影機,即時判讀球速、進壘點、打擊初速、仰角等,整合成完整的電子紀錄與影像資料庫,再由演算法使用無標記追蹤系統3D人體關節重建,提供跨步、關節角度、爆發力、動力鍊,讓科學化訓練更精準。 使用高速攝影機,監測與紀錄選手的動作特性,3D動作分析提升表現。本年度建置賽場上投打高速攝影機、開發電子好球帶、計算電子好球帶形狀與大小,讓在國內多數球場安裝電子好球帶成為可能,搭配研究團隊開發棒球紀錄系統,從2020 年起採用open data 的方式供棒球迷,讓國內數據棒球從萌芽進入發展階段。 |
Six synchronized high-speed cameras were installed in the baseball stadium in NTUS. We established the calibration equation of the multi-camera system and established an electronic strike zone system, KarmaZone, that can automatically coordinates when the pitch crossed the home plate. From the slow motion videos recorded, the markerless 3D human posture estimation has been developed with the deep learning model. The estimated positions for each joint correlate well with ones after applying Particle Swarm Optimization. We use high speed camera to construct electric strike zone to accurate strike/ball calls. The footage captured is also used for markerless motion analysis to improve the moving efficiencykinetic chain of the player. Along with the pitch-by-pitch scoring system, the KarmaZone system provides all the tools needed for Baseball Analytics and training. |
MIT電子好球帶獲好評 Karma Zone有望登大聯盟 /愛爾達電視20200925