One Dimensional Poisson, Drift-Diffusion, and Schrodinger Solver (1D-DDCC)


3.5.6 download:

1. The program is using Slotboom variable or Scharfter Gummel method.

2. Function of Radiative Recombination, Nonradiative recombination, and Generation is included

3. A simple solar cell functino is included

4. Fermi-Dirac integration table for carrier density is used.

You can download a simple manual here

How to download it?

Right now the 1D-DDCC program is opened to academic for free. For industry, it is also free for use. However, for further customer service from industry, please contact Dr. Yuh-Renn Wu.

There is no warrenty of this software. Your feedback of testing the program will be very valuable.

Note that the new funcitons are continuing to be added so that bugs might be found after release. Please come back to check for the update version.